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Se trovate quello che state cercando, un semplice click vi porterà a tutti gli episodi in cui abbiamo parlato dell’argomento in questione. Enjoy technology!
- A4 Quest
- Abacus Spiele
- A Dance of Spiders
- Aeon's End Legacy
- Aeon Trespass: Odissey
- Aeon’s End
- A Fake artist goes to New York
- Age of Civilization
- Age of Vapor
- Agricola
- Air Land & Sea
- Aldilà
- Alex Randolph
- Alhambra
- Alice is missing
- Alien-1
- Alien - Il Destino della Nostromo
- Alone
- Alone Against Fear
- Alta Società
- Altered
- amarcord
- american
- Amul
- Anachrony
- Android Netrunner
- Android Netrunner: Terminal Directive
- Android Netrunner LCG
- Andromeda’s Edge
- aneddoti
- Ankh Gods of Egypt
- anteprima
- A Peaceful Garden
- app
- Aqualin
- Arboretum
- Arcadia Quest
- Arcs
- Arena: The Contest
- Areonautica Imperialis
- Arkham Horror
- Arkham Horror: Final Hour
- Arkham Horror: Mother's Embrace
- Arkham Horror LCG
- Arkham Noir
- Ark Nova
- Art and Arcana
- Artisans of Splendent Vale
- Asmodee Italia
- A Song of Fire and Ice
- A Song of Fire and Ice RPG
- A Song of Ice & Fire: Tactics
- Assalto Imperiale
- Assalto Imperiale: Ombre Gemelle
- astratti
- Astro Knights
- As’Dor 2023
- Atlantis Rising
- Avventure nella Terra di Mezzo
- Awaken Realms
- Awkward Guests
- Azul
- Azul: Le Vetrate di Sintra
- Back to the Future: Dice through Time
- Balatro
- Banda's The Hype
- Barenpark
- Barrage
- BattleCON
- Battle in Balin's Tomb
- Battle Line
- Battle Lore Command
- Beast
- Beer and Bread
- Best of
- Betrayal at Baldur's Gate
- Betrayal at the House on the Hill
- Beyond the Sun
- BGG Geek Madness
- BGG Most Played
- BGG Special Feature
- BGG Top 50
- Big Trouble in Little China
- Black Friday
- Black Orchestra
- Black Rose Wars
- Black Rose Wars: Duel - Lex
- Black Rose Wars Rebirth
- Black Sonata
- Blackstone Fortress
- Black Sword Hack
- Bladeborn
- Blades in the Dark
- Blitz Bowl
- Blitzkrieg!
- Bloc by Bloc: Uprising
- Blood
- Bloodborne
- Blood Bowl
- Blood Rage
- Bloom Town
- Blue Collection
- Blue Moon Legends
- bluff
- Bonsai
- boss battler
- Botanik
- Bower
- Brancalonia
- Break the Cube
- Brew
- Brian Boru: High King of Ireland
- Broken Tales
- Bruges
- Bullet♥︎
- Caesar!
- Calimala
- Campioni di Midgard
- Can’t Stop
- Caos nel Vecchio Mondo
- Capital Lux 2
- Carmilla
- Carnegie
- Cartaventura
- Cartographers
- Cartographers: Heroes
- Caylus
- Century
- Cephalofair Games
- Chai
- Chakra
- Challengers!
- Champions of Midgard
- Chartae
- Charterstone
- Chicken Crimes
- Child Wood
- Chimera
- Chronicles of Crime
- Cities Skyline
- city building
- City of Mist
- Clank!
- Clank! Legacy 2: Acquisitions Incorporated – Darkest Magic
- Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated
- Clash of Rage
- Classici
- classifica
- Classifica Top 50 BoardGameGeek
- classificone
- Cloudspire
- Cluedo Escape: Il Tradimento a Villa Tudor
- Codex Naturalis
- Coimbra
- Colt Express
- Combat Arena
- Combo Fighter
- Conan RPG
- Condottiere
- Conspiracy: Abyss Universe
- convention
- Core Space: First Born
- Coriolis: Third Horizon
- Coriolis The Third Horizon
- Corti & Colti
- Cosmoctopus
- Cottage Garden
- Counterfeiters
- Coup
- Coup: Reformation
- Cranio Creations
- Crema Nerd
- Crimson Company
- Critical: Sanctuary
- crowdfunding
- Crying Suns
- Crypt
- Cryptid
- Crystal Clans
- Cthulhu
- Cultist Simulator
- Cuore di ghiaccio
- Cupe Vampe
- curiosità
- Cuzco
- Cyberdoom Tower
- cyberpunk
- Cyberpunk 2020
- Cyberpunk Red
- D&D 5^ Edizione
- D.E.I.: Divide et Impera
- D6
- Dante: Inferno
- Darkest Dungeon
- Dark Fort
- Darwin's Journey
- Dawn of the Zeds 3rd Edition
- Daybreak
- DBCon
- DBC World Cup
- DC Comics Deck-Building Game
- Deadlands
- Dead of Winter
- Death In Space
- Death Roads
- Deathwatch Tyranid Invasion
- deck building
- Deckscape
- Decrypto
- DeD 5a Edizione
- Deep Madness
- Deep Space D-6
- Degenesis
- Descent: Legends of the Dark
- Destinies
- Detective
- Detective: City of Angels
- Detective Club
- dexterity
- dice building
- Dice Forge
- Dice Throne
- Dice Throne Adventures
- Dice Tower Awards
- Dice Trucking
- Dinosaur Island
- Diretta
- Disciples of Bone and Shadows
- Discover: Lands Unknown
- Disney
- District Noir
- Divinity Original Sin
- Dixit
- Dogs of War
- domande e risposte
- Dominion
- Don Quixotesque
- Dorfromantik
- Downforce
- Dracula vs Van Helsing
- Draftosaurus
- Dragon Castle
- Dragon Eclipse
- Dragonfire
- draw and write
- Dual Powers
- Dune
- Dune: War for Arrakis
- Dune Imperium
- dungeon crawler
- Dungeon Degenerates
- Dungeon Digger
- Dungeon Drop
- Dungeons & Dragons
- Dungeons and Dragons
- Dungeons Dice and Danger
- Dunwich Buyers Club
- Dustrunner
- Dutch Resistance
- dV Giochi
- Earthborne Rangers
- East India Companies
- Eclipse
- Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy
- Eila and Something Shiny
- Element
- Eleven
- Empire's End
- Encyclopedia
- Endless Winter
- ENnie Awards
- Episodio 100
- Episodio 150
- Episodio 200
- Episodio 250
- Episodio 300
- escape room
- Escape Room: The Game
- Escape Tales: Il Risveglio
- Escape the Dark Castle
- Escape the Dark Sector
- Escape Welt Space Box
- esperienziale
- Essen Spiel
- Etherfields
- eurogame
- eventi ludici
- Everdell
- Exit
- EXIT: Le Catacombe della Paura
- Expeditions
- Fabula Ultima
- Fading Suns
- Fairy Tale Inn
- fantascienza
- Fantastiqa
- Fantasy Pug Quest
- Faraway
- Fari del Nord
- Feed RSS
- Fiabe di Stoffa
- fiere
- Fighting Fantasy
- Final Fantasy Tactics
- Final Girl
- Fire!
- Firesiege
- Fireteam Zero
- First Empires
- First Martians
- First They Came
- Fish Farewell Forever
- Five Tribes
- Flamecraft
- Flesh and Blood
- Fog of Love
- Folded Space
- Food Chain Island
- Food Chain Magnate
- Forbidden Psalm
- Forbidden Stars
- Forgotten Waters
- Fort
- Fortune City
- Four Against Darkness
- Four Against the Great Old Ones
- Fractal
- Frank Herbert
- freak
- Freedom: the Underground Railroad
- Fresco di Stampa
- Frostpunk: The Board Game
- Fublet
- Fugitive
- Fun Facts
- Funghi
- Funkoverse Strategy Game: Harry Potter
- Furnace
- Game Designer
- GameFound
- Game of Thrones
- Game of Thrones LCG
- gamer girls
- Games Workshop
- Ganz Schön Clever
- Gate
- GenCon
- GenCon 2019
- General Orders
- George R. R. Martin
- german
- Ghenos Games
- GiocaCon
- giochi 1v1
- giochi 4x
- giochi a movimento nascosto
- giochi astratti
- giochi collaborativi
- giochi competitivi
- giochi con ruoli nascosti
- giochi con traditore
- giochi cooperativi
- giochi da tavolo
- giochi di abilità
- giochi di aste
- giochi di bluff
- giochi di carte
- giochi di civilizzazione
- giochi di comitato
- giochi di corse
- giochi di dadi
- giochi di deduzione
- giochi di maggioranze
- giochi di miniature
- giochi di parole
- giochi di piazzamento
- giochi di piazzamento tessere
- giochi di prese
- giochi di ruolo
- giochi di ruolo in solitaria
- giochi di strategia
- giochi in solitaria
- giochi in tempo reale
- giochi investigativi
- giochi legacy
- giochi MB
- giochi narrativi
- giochi sportivi
- Giochi Uniti
- Gioco dell'Anno
- gioco di dadi
- Gioco di Ruolo dell'Anno
- Glasgow
- Glen More
- Gloomhaven
- Glow
- Golden Geek Awards
- Golem Project
- Goonies: Never Say Die
- Gordon Pym - Attraverso l'Abisso
- Goritaire
- Grafomante
- GranBosco
- Granda Games
- Grand Austria Hotel
- Great Wester Trail 2a edizione
- Gretchinz!
- Grimm Forest
- Guards of Atlantis 2
- Guild of Merchant Explorers
- guilty pleasures
- hack'n'slash
- Hadara
- Hallertau
- Hamburg
- Hanamikoji
- Happy City
- Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle - Difesa Contro le Arti Oscure
- Haru Ichiban
- Heart: the City Beneath
- Heat: Heavy Rain
- Heat: Pedal to the Metal
- Hegemony
- HEL: The Last Saga
- Hellboy: The Board Game
- Herd Mentality
- Heroes of Black Reach
- Hero Quest
- Hero Realms
- Hidden Games
- Hidden Leaders
- Historia
- Hjalmar Hach
- Holmes: Sherlock & Mycroft
- Hong Kong Hustle
- Hoplomachus: Victorum
- Horizons of Spirit Island
- Horrible Games
- Horrified
- horror
- Horrors on the Orient Express
- Hostage Negotiator Career
- Hostage Negotiator Crime Wave
- Ice Age
- I Ciarlatani di Quedlinburgo
- IdeaG
- Il Labirinto di Krarth
- Il Mistero dell’Osservatorio
- Il Padrino
- Il Re in Giallo - I Cancelli del Paradiso
- Il Risveglio di Angmar
- Il Signore degli Anelli
- Il Signore degli Anelli - Duel for Middle-Earth
- Il Signore degli Anelli: La Sfida
- Il Signore degli Anelli LCG
- Il Trono di Spade
- Il Trono di Spade: il Gioco del Trono
- Il Trono di Spade: il gioco di carte
- Il Vampiro e la Farfalla
- Imaginarium
- In Alto i Calici
- InBetween
- Indian Summer
- Inferno
- Inferno - Dante’s Guide to Hell
- In giallo
- Inscryption
- Insert Coin to Play
- International Gamers Awards
- Into the Godsgrave
- investigazione
- IoGioco Awards
- I Ragià del Gange
- Iron Courtain
- Iron Helm
- Isaac Childres
- Ishtar
- Island Alone
- Isles of Terror
- ISS Vanguard
- It’s a Wonderful Kingdom
- It’s a Wonderful World
- Iwari
- Kabuto Sumo
- Kanagawa
- Keyforge
- Kick Ass
- kickstarter
- Kickstarter Round-Up
- Kinfire Chronicles: Night's Fall
- Kingdom Death Monster
- Kingdomino
- Kingdomino Origins
- Kingdom Rush
- Kingdoms Forlorn
- King of Con
- King of Monsters Island
- King of Tokyo Dark Edition
- Kiri Ai: The Duel
- Kitara
- Kites
- Knarr
- Kodachi
- Kokopelli
- Kult
- Kuniumi
- L'Unico Anello
- Labyrinth
- La Caccia all'Anello
- La Festa per Odino
- La Guerra dei Mondi
- La Guerra della Rosa Nera
- Lands of Galzyr
- Last Bastion
- Lawyer Up
- Leaving Earth
- Le Avventure di Robin Hood
- Le Case della Follia
- Le Cronache di Avel
- Le Fatiche di Autolico
- Legacy of Dragonholt
- Legacy of Yu
- Legendary Marvel
- Legend of the Five Rings RPG
- Legend of the Five Rings The Card Game
- Le Leggende di Andor: Chada & Thorn
- Le Orme Rosse
- Letter Jam
- Level 9
- Lex Arcana
- Libertalia
- libro game
- librogame
- Librogame dell'Anno
- Little Big Fish
- Little Town
- live
- Living Card Game
- London
- Loop Hero
- Lorcana
- Lord of Hellas
- Lords of Hellas
- Lords of Waterdeep
- Lorenzo il Magnifico
- Lost Cities
- Lost Ruins of Arnak
- Lovecraft
- Lucca Comics & Games
- Lucca Comics and Games
- Lucky Numbers
- Ludica 2019
- Lux Aeterna
- L’audace colpo del vello d’oro
- L’isola dei Gatti
- Macao
- Machi Koro Legacy
- Mage Knight
- Magic Maze
- Magic the Gathering
- Malebranche
- Mandala
- Mantis Falls
- Maquis
- Marabunta
- Marco Polo
- Marco Polo 2
- Mariposas
- Marvel Champions
- Marvel Champions LCG
- Marvel Dice Throne
- Marvel Snap
- Marvel United
- Marvel Zombies
- Massive Darkness
- Massive Darkness 2
- Masters of the Universe: Clash for Eternia
- Mattanza
- Matteo Botti
- Matt Leacock
- Mechs vs. Minions
- Mensa Select Awards
- Mercado de Lisboa
- Meuterer
- Mice & Mystics
- Michael
- Michele Paroli
- Microbrew
- Micro City
- MicroMacro
- Middara
- Mijnlieff
- Milan Games Week
- Mind Bug
- Mindbug Beyond
- Mind MGMT
- miniature su mappa
- Mini Rails
- Mini Rogue
- Minute Realms
- MLEM: Space Agency
- Modena Play 2018
- Modena Play 2019
- Modena Play 2021
- Modena Play 2022
- Modena Play 2023
- Modena Play 2024
- Modern Art
- Monolith Arena
- Monopoly
- Monster Lands
- MON – Emblemi del Sengoku
- Mordred
- Moriarty - Il Napoleone del Crimine
- Most Wanted
- MS Edizioni
- Mutant: Elysium
- MyCity
- My Father’s Work
- My Gold Mine
- My Little Scythe
- Mysthea
- Mystic Vale
- Mythos
- Mythwind
- Mörk Borg
- Nagaraja
- Nations: The Dice Game
- Near and Far
- Nebbie su Carcassonne
- Need Games
- Nell'Anno del Dragone
- Nemesis
- Nemesis: Lockdown
- Nemesis Retaliation
- Nerd Burger
- New Angeles
- New York 1901
- Nidavellir
- Night of the Full Moon
- Nine Tiles Panic
- Nobi Nobi
- No Pasaran
- Not Alone
- Not the End
- Nova Aetas: Renaissance
- Nova Aetas: Renaissance - Hyperion
- Nova Luna
- Pagan: Fate of Roanoke
- Paleo
- Pandemia
- Pandemic
- Pandemic: World of Warcraft
- Paola Caronni
- Paperback
- Paris: La Cité de la Lumiére
- party games
- Patreon
- Patreon of the week
- Pax Pamir
- Pax Viking
- Pendemia
- Pendragon Games
- Perfect Words
- Perspectives
- Photosyntesis
- piazzamento dadi
- piazzamento lavoratori
- Piraten Kapern
- Planet
- Planet Unknown
- Play.VI
- Play Trade
- pocket games
- Point Salad
- polimini
- Ponzi Scheme
- Predoni di Scizia
- Prey Another Day
- Primal: The Awakening
- print & play
- print and play
- Project L
- prototipi
- Proving Grounds
- Puerto Rico
- Pulp Detective
- puzzle
- Ra
- Radetzky - Milano 1848
- Radlands
- Rad Zone
- Rad Zone Totality
- Railroad Ink
- Rallyman Dirt
- Ratti di Wistar
- Raven Distribuzione
- Ready Set Bet
- Reazione Rapida
- Rebel Princess
- Red Rising
- Regicide
- report
- Requiem: Downfall of Magic
- Res Arcana
- Return to Dark Tower
- Riders of the North Sea
- Riftforce
- Riot Games
- Rise of Moloch
- Rising Sun
- Rival Restaurants
- Roadwarden
- Robin Hood and the Merry Men
- Robinson Crusoe
- Rokugan
- roll&write
- roll and write
- Roll for the Galaxy
- Roll Player
- romanzi
- Root
- RPG Digest
- Rumble Nation
- Runar
- Runewars
- Rurik
- Rush N Bash
- Saboteur Le miniere perdute
- Sail
- Saint Petersburg
- Santa Maria
- Santa Monica
- Santorini
- Savernake Forest
- Schotten Totten
- Scout
- Scythe
- Scythe: Rise of Fenris
- Sea Salt and Paper
- Seaside
- Seas of Havoc
- Season 0
- Seasons
- Secret Hitler
- Seed
- Seekers Beyond the Shroud
- Senjutsu
- Septima
- Shadowdark RPG
- Shadowrun
- Shadows of Brimstone
- Shamans
- Shem Phillips
- Shepy
- Sherlock Holmes Consulente Investigativo
- Shifting Stones
- Shogun Showdown
- Siege of Runedar
- Sigils & Signs
- Silence of Hollowind
- Similo
- Sine Requie
- skirmish
- Skull
- Skull Tales
- Sky Team
- Skytear
- Skytear Horde
- Sleeping Gods
- Sleeping Gods: Distant Skies
- Slide Quest
- Small World of Warcraft
- Smallworld of Warcraft
- Smart-Gaming
- Solace
- So Long My World
- Sorcerer
- Soulgivers
- So You Have Been Eaten
- Space Base
- Space Marine ADventures
- Space Marine Adventures: Doomsday Countdown
- Space Marine Adventures: Labyrinth of the Necrons
- space opera
- Space Race
- Spiel des Jahres
- Spielwarenmesse
- Spire's End
- Spire's End: Hildegard
- Spirit Island
- Splendor
- Splendor Duel
- Spots
- Spyfall
- Spyrium
- Star Crossed
- Star Realms
- Star Wars
- Star Wars: Orlo Esterno
- Star Wars: Rebellion
- Star Wars: The Deckbuilding game
- Star Wars: Unlimited
- Star Wars Legion
- Stonemaier Games
- Stonesaga
- Stonghold Undead
- Storie di Famigli
- Storytellers
- Strade di Arkham
- Stranger Things: Il Sottosopra
- Street Fighter
- Studio Supernova
- Supereroi
- Super Fantasy Brawl
- Super Fantasy Brawl: Round 2!
- Super Mega Lucky Box
- Sword & Sorcery
- Sylvion
- Symbaroum
- T.I.M.E. Stories
- Ta-Pum!
- Ta-Pum: Agli Ordini!
- TacTiki
- Tainted Grail
- Tainted Grail digital
- Taj Mahal
- Tales From the Loop
- Tales of Evil
- Tamashii: Chronicle Of Ascend
- Tang Garden
- Tapestry
- Targi
- Teens in Space
- Telestrations
- Tellstones: King's Gambit
- Terraforming Mars
- Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition
- Terra Nova
- That Time You Killed Me
- That’s Not a Hat
- The 7th Citadel
- The 7th Continent
- The Breach
- The Captain is Dead
- The Chameleon
- The Crew
- The Dead Keep
- The Elder Scrolls: Betrayal of the Second Era
- The Expanse RPG
- The Game Extreme
- The Great Wall
- The Hunt
- The Isofarian Guard
- The King is Dead
- The King’s Dilemma
- The Last of Us
- The Legendary El Dorado
- The Loop
- The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game – Revised Core Set
- The Lord of the Rings Card Game
- The Lost Expedition
- The Red Cathedral
- The Search for Planet X
- The Shipwreck Arcana
- The White Castle
- The Witcher: Old World
- The Witcher RPG
- The Wolves
- The Wretched
- The Zombies
- The Fox in the Forest
- This War of Mine
- Thunder Road: Vendetta
- Thurn und Taxis
- Ticket to Ride
- Time Bomb Evolution
- Time of Soccer
- Tin Hat Games
- Tin Helm
- Tiny Epic Galaxies
- Tiny Towns
- Tokyo Highway
- Too Many Bones
- Top 3
- Top 50 Ever Ever
- Topotto
- Top Ten
- tower defense
- Townsfolk Tussle
- Tragedy Looper
- Tranquility
- Trash Pandas
- Tribes of the Wind
- Trick Shot
- Troyes
- Trudvang Legends
- Tuned
- Turno di Guardia
- Twilight Imperium
- Twilight Struggle
- Two Rooms and a Boom!
- Tyrants of the Underdark
- vacanze
- Vaesen
- valar morghulis
- Vale of Eternity
- Vampire: The Masquerade - Milan Uprising
- Vampire: The Masquerade V5
- Venice Connection
- Verdant
- VHS: Very Horror Stories
- Viaggi nella Terra di Mezzo
- Viaggi nella Terra di Mezzo - Sentieri nell’Ombra
- Viaggi nella Terra di Mezzo - Venti di Guerra
- viaggi nel tempo
- Victorian Masterminds
- videogames
- Vienna Connection
- Village Attacks
- Village Pillage
- Villagers
- Villainous
- Vilùpera
- Vindication
- vintage
- Viticulture
- Vlaada Chvatil
- Voidfall
- Volfyrion
- War Chest
- Warcry
- wargames
- Warhammer
- Warhammer 40K
- Warhammer: Doomseeker
- Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
- Warhammer Quest
- Warhammer Quest: Cursed City
- War of the Ring: The Card Game
- Warp's Edge
- Waste Knights
- Watergate
- Watson & Holmes
- Wavelength
- Wendake
- When I Dream
- Whitehall
- White Wizard Games
- Wildlands
- Wild Space
- Wingspan
- Witch & B*tches
- Witchcraft!
- Wizard’s Garden
- Wonder Book
- World of Warcraft
- World of Warcraft: the Adventure Game
- Wormwood